
When we are printing drawings, a warning pops up "This plotter configuration cannot be used. The None plot device has been substituted." As the figure shows below:


In fact, it is normal for this dialog box to pop up.

In many cases, it only appears when external drawings are opened and printed.

In CAD, users can pre-set various printing information through the Page Setup function, such as printing device, paper size, printing area, printing ratio, print style table, etc., and save them in the drawing. The next time you print this drawing, you don't need to set up the printer again.

Similarly, in the Plot window, after setting the print options, click the Apply to Layout button to save the current print settings into the Page Setup and save them with the drawing, as shown in the figure below.

After the page setup, other users use CAD to open the drawing for printing. CAD will search for the printer according to the printer name in the page setup. When the printer cannot be found, the above warning will pop up.

In another case, if the printer driver is damaged, this prompt will appear. Reinstalling the printer driver can solve the problem.


  1. Click the OK button to close the prompt. Then in the Plot dialog box, re-select a suitable printer.
  2. Reinstall the printer driver. (rare cases)