
How to use the Smart Batch Plot in ZWCAD?


  1. Execute the command SMARTPLOT to call out the ZWCAD Smart Batch Plot dialog box.
  2. Select the Frame style:

  3. If we select Layer or Block in last step, we should click Specify the block and layer in Drawing and the Layer name or Block name will show as below:

  4. Set up What to plot:

  5. Click Select batch drawings and select the desired drawings, and click Highligh to confirm the selection.

  6. Set up the Printer/Plotter, such as Preset config, Device name, Paper size, etc.

  7. Set up the other printting informations. The Prefix is used as the file name when printing multiple independent drawings, that is, when Multipage in step 6 is unchecked, Prefix + 1, 2, 3... is used as the file name.

  8. After completing all settings, click Plot to print the drawings in batch.