
When trying to customize shortcuts, you might notice that the "3D" shortcut doesn't work as expected.

It may trigger the software's built-in "3D Surface" command, and it cannot be customized through the zwcad.pgp or cui files.

Why is that?


The "3D" shortcut command is built into the platform and is not controlled through the PGP file.

If you want to customize this shortcut, you need to do it through the Windows Registry.


  1. Press "Win+R" to open the Run dialog and type "regedit" to open the Windows Registry.
  2. Navigate to "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ZWSOFT\ZWCAD\2023\zh-CN\Applications\Zw3dExtend\Commands" and locate the "3D" registry key. Delete this key.
  3. After that, go to the menu "Tools -> Customize -> Edit Program Parameters (zwcad.pgp)" and redefine the command for the "3D" shortcut.