
How can I double-click to open CAD drawings inserted in Office using ZWCAD?


The drawing is copied and pasted into Office as an OLE object after selecting it in CAD. When double-clicked, it opens with the CAD application used for the initial paste.

If the CAD application used for pasting is not ZWCAD, double-clicking won't launch ZWCAD.

ZWCAD provides a tool called ZwConversionOleID.exe to convert Office files, enabling double-clicking OLE drawings to open with ZWCAD.


  1. Open the installation directory of ZWCAD, locate and run the ZwConversionOleID.exe program.

  2. Select your current ZWCAD version in the Convert as option, click Source file to add the Office document you want to convert or check Batch Convert and choose the folder containing the documents. Set the Output Path for the path of converted files and click Convert. As shown in the following image:

  3. After the conversion is complete, you can double-click the OLE graphics in the file to open them with ZWCAD.