
Some drawing files are very large, but when opened in ZWCAD, they don't contain many graphic objects, and the opening process is very slow, as well as operations like copying and pasting graphic objects.

This situation is generally caused by the presence of a lot of redundant data in the drawing, such as a significant amount of redundant DGN data, unused blocks, overlapping objects, numerous annotative scales, excessive layer filters, and proxy object data.

How to clean up this redundant data to reduce the file size?


  1. Click on the menu File → Drawing UtilitiesPurge (the PURGE command), open the Purge dialog, tick the options Confirm each item to be purged, Purge nested items, and Purge zero-length geometry and empty text objects, Purge obsolete DGN data if they are not grey, and then click Purge All.

  2. Click on the menu FileDrawing UtilitiesAudit (the AUDIT command), to check and correct the drawing. When prompted with Fix the errors detected? choose Yes to complete the correction of error data in the drawing. The command line will display how many errors were checked and corrected.
  3. Click on the menu ExpressModifyDelete Duplicate Objects (the OVERKILL command), and click OK, to remove duplicate or overlapping objects in the drawing.

  4. Click the menu ExpressToolsScale List (the SCALELISTEDIT command), and click the Reset button to clean up invalid annotative scales.

  5. Click on the menu FormatLayer (the LAYER command), open the Layer Properties Manager. If there are too many layer filters, the software will prompt you to delete all layer filters to improve performance. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion.
  6. If using the above methods doesn't yield significant results, you can manually press Ctrl+A to select all objects, then copy and paste them into a new drawing for saving. This way, you can avoid carrying over some redundant and invalid data into the new drawing, ultimately reducing the file size.