
When opening all .vbs files, the error box Can't find VBScript scripting engine will pop up.


Due to frequent installation and removal of software, the VBScript scripting engine cannot be found.


If it is a Windows XP system:

Find the file: C:\WINDOWS\inf\wsh.inf, right-click Install.

If we encounter Unable to Open 'C:\windows\system32\odbcconf.tmp', No such file or directory.   

  1. Press Win+R to open Run window, input regedit, enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\Setup, and delete Configuring Data Access Components.
  2. Start → Run input regsvr32 urlmon.dll shdocvw.dll jscript.dll vbscript.dll /s
  3. Try to install ZW3D again.

If it is a Windows 7 system:
There is no wsh.inf file in the C:\WINDOWS\inf\ folder. The reason is that the installation of some anti-virus software (such as Kabbah, Rising, etc.) has changed the dll library that opens the .vbs script by default in the registry. Even uninstall the antivirus software, the information in the registry is still not deleted, so when the .vbs script is opened, it will call the dll library of the antivirus software, and this problem occurs.

Press Win+R to open Run window, enter regedit, find the item HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11cf-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}\InprocServer32, change its Default value to C: \Windows\system32\vbscript.dll (This dll library is the program that opens the .vbs script by default in windows).

If we are refused to modify the Default value, we need to right-click InprocServer32 and select Permissions, add Full Control permission to the current user, and then modify the Default value of InprocServer32.

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