
The text in the table that is inserted from the Excel file will follow Excel Settings, text style manager in ZWCAD can't go into effect, how to modify the font style in the table?


  • Solution 1:
    1. Select the table to be modified, click the right button of the mouse, and select Locking → Unlocked to unlock the content;
    2. Double-click the table cell to enter the text editing status, click the right button of the mouse, and select Remove formatting → Remove Character formatting Ctrl+Space, then the text font can be consistent with the text style setting.
  • Solution 2:
    1. Click the Modify → Explode in the menu and select the table to explode.
    2. Click the Express → Text → Convert Mtext to text in the menu (MTEXP command) to convert the multi-line text into single line text.

    3. Select the single-line text, press Ctrl+1 to open the properties bar, and specify the required font style to complete the font modification.