
After opening a file in ZW3D, you might encounter a situation where the manager doesn't display any content, and the background of the graphic window appears as purple.

Even reinstalling the software doesn't seem to improve this situation.


Within the current session, redundant error data has been stored, resulting in abnormal initialization of the operational environment.


Perform the following steps to reset the user data (which contains abnormal data):

  1. Close ZW3D.
  2. Click on StartRun, and type in %appdata%.
  3. Double-click to open the folder named ZWSOFT, then double-click to open the folder named ZW3D. Inside this folder, you can simply change the name of the folder called ZW3D2024 (take ZW3D2024 as an example) to any new name you prefer.
  4. Afterward, restart the software, and it should return to its normal state.