
In the Attach External Reference dialog box, users can choose different path types, which are Full path, Relative path, and No path. What do they mean respectively?


The path type refers to the storage path type of external reference. Different path types have different degrees of flexibility when copying files.

  • Full path/Absolute path
    Definition: The main drawing saves the exact location of external reference.
    Recommended scenario: The source files of the external reference (xref for short) are stored in a fixed folder, and the main dwg file is often moved around.
    Note: When using the full path, you can't rename or move the position of the xref source file, otherwise ZWCAD will prompt xref not found.
  • Relative path
    Definition: The position of the external reference relative to the main drawing will be saved.
    Recommended scenario: The main dwg drawing and the source file of the external reference are in the same project folder, and can exist across different levels of the directory under this project folder.
    Note: The main dwg drawing and the source file can be moved to another directory, or even to another computer at the same time.  But the relative position of the two files must remain unchanged, and you can not rename the source file, otherwise, ZWCAD will prompt xref not found.
  • No path
    Definition: The main dwg drawing will find external references in the folder (not including the sub-folder).
    Recommended scenario: The main dwg drawing and the source file of the external reference are in the same folder, at the same level of the directory.
    Note: The main dwg drawing and the source file must remain in the same folder, and you can't rename the source file, otherwise ZWCAD will prompt xref not found.