
How to unify the snap and other settings in the status bar, and set them consistently when opening each drawing, in order to make it convenient to use?


The snap settings in the status bar are mainly controlled by system variables and saved in the registry. After these settings, the next time you open any drawing, the settings will be the same as the previous time.

However, a few settings are saved with the drawing, such as GRIDMODE, which changes depending on the different drawings.

For new drawings, if you need to set default settings, you can save the properly configured drawing as a template. When creating a new drawing, you can select this template to establish the default settings.

To maintain the consistency of all open drawings, it is necessary to use CAD secondary development to achieve this goal.


Method 1:

  1. Type the command NEW and press Enter to create a new drawing.
  2. Configure the status bar as needed.
  3. Click the menu File > Save As (or type SAVEAS in the command box). Select the file type as Drawing Template (*.dwt). Customize the file name or select a file to replace it, then save the drawing as a template file DWT.

  4. In the future, when creating a new drawing, select the previously customized DWT template to use the previously configured settings.

Method 2:

  1. Set the status bar status.lsp, open this LISP file using Notepad, which contains system variables related to the status bar settings. check in the help documents to obtain information about these system variables, and set them to the desired values. Then save the file.
  2. Enter the command APPLOAD in CAD, open the Load Application File dialog box, Add the LISP file, and Add to Startup Suite, so that any drawing will load the LISP file, so that the status bar will be set as needed.