
How to change the settings of the Smart Mouse?


  1. Click the Ribbon menu tab Tools.
  2. Click Settings in Smart Voice Panel.
  3. In the Smart Mouse Settings dialog box, you can change the command corresponding to the gesture.
  4. You can also add new gestures by Add Gestures function.
  5. Click the Save button to save the settings.
  6. If you need to directly enter the branch option of the command, you can add a Space after the command when setting, and then add the branch option,
    as shown in the figure below (_rectang s). After setting in this way, you can draw a square.


You need to use the localized command (or the global English command that starts with _) and the option (or the global English option that starts with _) to define for Command part, for example, in the Czech version, drawing a square, you can use the command "_rectang Č" or "_rectang _s"

_rectang Č