
How to store a customized profile in ZWCAD so that you can easily restore your ZWCAD settings after you reinstall your system or ZWCAD?


Many settings of ZWCAD are stored in the Registry, and the Profiles in the Options are the ZWCAD-related settings in the Registry. You can use the Import and Export here to store the settings and restore it after ZWCAD is reinstalled.


  1. Input shortcut key OP to open Options, find the Profiles tab.
  2. Click Add to List to create a new profile, select the new profile and click Set Current.
  3. After you set the new profile as current, you can click Export to save and export this profile as .arg file.
  4. Click Import you can import any .arg file into ZWCAD.


Note: if there are customized settings, such as CUIX, plot style, etc you want to store and transfer, this solution doesn't work.