
When you open some drawings and find that the contents of the drawings are not fully displayed. Why?


The following are some possible situations where the drawing is not displayed in full:

  1. Only text is not displayed in full.
    This may be due to a missing font file used in the drawing, which causes the text not to be displayed. You can select to replace the font when prompted with a message indicating that the font is missing when opening the drawing.

    Alternatively, you can check the name of the missing font file in the "Text Style" (STYLE) and add the missing font.

  2. Incomplete display of graphics caused by the off layers.
    Due to layer off or freezing, not all content in the drawing is displayed. Open the "Layer Properties Manager" (LAYER), turn on and unfreeze all layers, then check if the drawing is complete.
  3. There are custom entities in the drawing.
    If there are custom entities in the drawing, a prompt will appear when opened to either display or show as a frame. Be sure to select "Display Proxy Graphics" or else parts of the custom entities will not be displayed.
  4. Missing reference related to the drawing.
    Open "External Reference" (XREF) and check if there are any missing external references. If there are, you need to put the missing external references in the same folder as the current drawing so that the referenced drawings can be displayed properly.