
How to uninstall ZWCAD?

Under normal circumstances, the uninstallation of the ZWCAD is performed in the control panel in computer settings.

There are also special cases that cause ZWCAD can not be uninstalled properly, user can try to use the software's installation package or official uninstall plug-in.

User can also use some third-party uninstallation tools, but they are not guaranteed to uninstall the program properly and completely, and are used in case the above uninstallation methods are not effective.


The following uninstall methods are available, please choose in order of preference..

  1. Open"Control Panel" - "Uninstall a Program" on computer, and right click to uninstall. 
  2. Right-click the installation package of ZWCAD to unzip it, then find the program and language packages of ZWCAD (.msi files) in the unzipped file, right-click the .msi package to uninstall. 
  3. [Win+R] open the [Run], type [regedit] to enter the Registry Editor, in the path "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ ", look for the product name "ZWCAD" one by one (note that there are two items: main program and language pack, both need to be uninstalled), find the field "UninstallString", and copy its data content into the [Run], and then it will enter the uninstall process.
  4. Use the uninstall tool of ZWCAD, and click the corresponding version of the program after downloading at the following address:
  5. Uninstall with a third-party uninstaller:
    Windows Installer Clean Up